September 15, 2020
Effective as of Sept 14, 2020, it will no longer be necessary for travelers arriving in the US from China, Hong Kong, Schengen-member countries, the UK, Iran or Brazil to enter the US at 15 designated airports in order to conduct COVID health screenings. These travelers may now arrive in the US at any usual […]
September 10, 2020
The Department of Homeland Security just announced that it will be expanding its biometric collection process. In the past, in order to satisfy background security checks when applying for a green card, employment card or many other immigration benefits, an applicant only had his, or her, fingerprints and electronic photo taken. Now, USCIS will also be able […]
June 18, 2020
Today, the US Supreme Court ruled that the President’s reasoning for seeking to end the DACA program was “capricious,” agreeing with lower courts that the administration did not adequately explain why it sought to end the program. While this ruling effectively protects DACA recipients and allows the program to continue, the Supreme Court also sent […]
June 16, 2020
Recently, many of our clients have asked how COVID 19 has impacted their exposure to the Public Charge obligation. As you may know, many immigrants can be found inadmissible to the US if the government believes they pose a credible threat to becoming an economic drain on society (A “Public Charge”) They wanted to know […]
June 04, 2020
With all of the recent disturbances around our nation, it is important for all of our clients and friends to have a clear understanding of their rights to protest. We strongly recommend this publication by the ACLU which clearly lays out everyone’s legal rights in a variety of situations. Those struggling with their case […]
May 27, 2020
USCIS just issued an exception to the travel ban Proclamations that suspended the entry of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China (excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau), the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, during the […]
May 26, 2020
US, Canada, and Mexico The US, Canada and Mexico have all announced that they are extending their travel restrictions at land ports of entry for an additional 30 days to June 22, 2020. The restriction, which went into effect on March 22, was supposed to last for 60 days but could be extended. Travel will […]
May 15, 2020
Lately, there has been talk of the government suspending all nonimmigrant visas, paralleling the recent Executive Order suspending all green cards. Although this sounds drastic, it is likely to be without actual effect to many nonimmigrant visa holders, as this rumored new Executive Order will likely only apply to new nonimmigrant visas issued by the […]
April 23, 2020
To the friends and clients of Akst & Akst: The President’s new Executive Order suspending the issuance of immigrant visas is not as far reaching as first indicated in his late-night tweet from two days ago.It has been narrowed and modified from the original far-reaching ban that was first dramatically announced. We have set forth […]
April 21, 2020
Last night, President Trump announced that he will issue an Executive Order suspending all immigration into the US.The President usually makes broad and sweeping pronouncements that are, in fact, very different from what actually goes into effect.Exceptions, interpretations, and lawsuits can alter and sometimes stop whatever he is trying to do.It could be a week […]